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Professional Experience עברית
Name: Itay Szekely
e-mail: itay@grebulon.com
11/2013 - Now Spike
A startup, developing Spike - a revolutionary e-mail client that rearranges your e-mail and presents it as a chat. Spike is rich with communication and collaboration features, including: calendar, shared documents, group chats and emails, video conversations and more.
Application development for Android and iOS in a mixed Javascript and native environment (Java for Android, Objective-C and Swift for iOS). Server-side components in Node.js and PHP.
The App in: PlayStore | AppleStore | Web version.

3/2013 - 1/2014 BuddyGuards
A startup that I opened with a few partners. I build an Android application connecting home alarm system to a community of neighbors and friends.
Development in Java over Android, and GUI programming in Python with QT.

2/2011 - 12/2012 Infinidat
Senior programmer, RAID system core team. Mainly C++ on Linux, some Python.

11/2002 - 1/2011 LSI (formerlt StoreAge)
Senior programmer, SAN virtualization core team. Developed a highly reliable distributed system. My work included database integration, SCSI over Fibre Channel communication with RAIDs and hosts, CORBA IPC and infrastructure elements. Development in C++ on Windows, vxWorks and Linux.

2/2001 - 9/2002 Emblaze Systems
Senior programmer, designed and implemented a multimedia application framework for video and audio streaming. C++ on Windows, using DirectShow and ACM/VCM, to capture video/audio, encode/decode media, read and create multimedia files and more.
Participated in management system for multiple encoders and content distribution modules, implemented over DotNET.

1999 - 2000 MediVision Medical Imaging
Participated in several projects as a programmer: Windows NT driver for image and video acquisition hardware, image processing, design and implementation of user interface.

1998 Way2Call
Programmer, developing Windows NT driver for a voice over IP product, including TAPI interface.

1993 - 1997 e-SIM
Programmer, participating in the development of a prototyping and simulation software for consumer electronics. C++ and Smalltalk on Windows NT, 95 and 3.11.

1992 - 1994 IDF Air Force Technology Academy
Chief instructor and teacher, high school electronics faculty.

All my open source projects can be found at my website.
Since 2012 Little Professor - an Android application. A basic math education game for children.
Since 2009 Regoin Capture addon for IrfanView.
Since 2000 Windows explorer addons.
Visual Studio extensions for developers.
Education: Technion, Electrical engineering 1988-1992