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Little Professor

Little Professor is a fun way for children to practice basic math.
This calculator style math aid, generates a sequence of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems in five degrees of difficulty.
The student can then work independently as he progresses toward mastering math skills.
It also doubles as a simple calculator for kids.
This Android application is an emulation of the Texas Instruments Little Professor from 1976


Current version: 1.35

Android app on Google Play  
free, without ads  

Download from play store - free, without ads
Latest version (free) from developer's page (size 6.3MB) - Download



To select the level of difficulty press [SET]. Then press [1] , [2] , [3], [4] or [5] - [1] being the easiest and [5] the most difficult. Finally press [GO]. A problem with the selected difficulty will appear on the display.
For example, to set level 4, press:  

To select the type of operation, push [SET] and one of the operation keys: [+] , [-] , [*], [/] or [9] for mixed mode. Then push [GO]. A problem will appear.
In mixed mode [9], the set contains exercises with all operations.
For example, for multiplication press:  

It is also possible to change the level and operation from the menu and from the settings screen.

Enter your answer by pushing the number keys. If you're right, the next problem will be presented. If you're wrong, "ERROR" is displayed. You're given two more tries, before the correct answer is displayed. After a few seconds you will be presented with the next problem.
After ten problems, your score - the number of right answers, and the time it took to solve the set, are displayed. A feedback dialog will show a rating of 1 to 5 stars.
Then another set of ten problems begins with the same operation at the same level.
You can change the level and operation at any time.

The Little Professor can also be used as a simple calculator.
To switch between trainer and calculator modes, press [SET] [MODE] [GO].


This application is completely free and is NOT supported by ads. It does not track user behavior and does not collect or share any personal information.
It does not require registration, has no "user account" and doesn't even connect to any server.


This application is an inaccurate emulation of the original TI product. It is not developed by Texas Instruments and is not affiliated to it in any way.

You can read more about the original Little Professor and download its original manual from the Datamath Calculator Museum website.

Version History

Version 1.33
- The professor is ad-free, doesn't track the users at all.
- Add privacy statement in About dialog as required by Google Play Store policies.
- Update various SDKs.

Version 1.32
- Remove ads. The professor is now ad-free!

Version 1.31
- Update various SDKs.
- Fix rare crashes.
- Update target level and build environment.

Version 1.30
- Update target level and build settings.

Version 1.29
- Fix another occasional crash when the professor is restored from background.

Version 1.28
- Fix an occasional crash when the professor is restored from background.
- New adaptive icon.

Version 1.27
- The professor will wiggle his mustache if you get 8 or more answers right.

Version 1.25
- Larger active area for the buttons.
- Fix bug in scoring (thanks to Bongo).
- Fix bad button positioning on some phones.
- Update target version and libraries.

Version 1.24
- Update target version and library.

Version 1.22
- Fix vibration and sound settings.

Version 1.21
- Support for Android Oreo.

Version 1.19
- Remove google analytics.
- No permissions required for pro version, less permissions for free version.
- Smaller package for pro version - no google play services.

Version 1.18
- New ad-free version of the app.
- Updated playstore library (need more permissions, but I don't use any of them).

Version 1.17
- Improved performance and optimization.
- Removed unneeded debug code.
- Update admob and google analytics.

Version 1.16
- Remove in-app billing for removing ads.
- Remove unneeded permissions.
- Reduce memory usage and package size.

Version 1.15
- Stretch the background for xxhdpi screens.
- Support higher resolutions, independent of dpi.

Version 1.14
- Fit xxhdpi screens (Samsung Galaxy S4, Sony Xpreia Z).
- No ads until January 1st, 2014

Version 1.13
- Change the button color when it's pressed.
- Small bug fix in date checking.
- No ads until July 1st

Version 1.12
Add a button in setting mode that will open the menu - [SET] [8]. In some tablets, the menu button is not available.

Version 1.11
Support for Nexus 7 (tvdpi).

Version 1.10
Remove the ad support until April 1st. You can still buy a license to support development.
Fix a crash on older versions of Android (before 2.3).

Version 1.9
New calculator mode. To switch between professor and calculator, press [SET] [MODE] [GO].
In setting mode, show a MODE and MIX labels on the buttons, instead of a number.
Make sure that you don't get the same exercise too often one after the other.
Limit the number of trivial exercises (e.g., 0+x, x-1, x/x, etc.) depending on level of difficulty.
You need to be faster in order to get 5 stars.
Fixed a leak in GoogleAnalytics initialization.

Version 1.7
Free version is now ad supported.
To remove the ads you can buy a license from the options menu.
Added usage tracking using Google Analytics. You can disable it from the settings menu.

Version 1.4
Small bugfix in mixed mode selection.

Version 1.3
Add mixed operation mode. Press [SET] [9] [GO] to select it.
Select level and operation together in the SET mode.
Better multiplication and division signs.
Add a feedback dialog at the end of each set, with 1 to 5 star rating.
Show the time it took to solve the set with the score.
Press back twice in a row to exit the application.
Show a what's new dialog after upgrade.

Version 1.2
Fixed a bug that crashed the free version rate it dialog.

Version 1.1
Change the problem selection to be more like the original Little Professor toy.
Small bug fix regarding the way settings are saved.

Version 1.0
First release.
Four math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Four levels of difficulty, open for free until January 1st, 2013. Then the two intermediate levels will be locked.
Buy the Little Professor Key application to for unlimited access to the four levels.

Privacy Policy

In general we don't collect any personal information.
However, we use Google Analytics, which can be turned off from the settings menu. We may also use 3td party advertising services.
Our full privacy policy can be found here.

That's me, prepping for development