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Visual Studio Macros

This page describe a set of visual studio macros I wrote for my personal use. I find them very helpful, and hopefully you can use them too.

Mark Locations & Jump To Them
Header-Source Flip

More macros will be added in the future.

Mark Locations & Jump To Them

This set of macros provide the ability to "remember" the cursor position in your source code, and later jump to these locations.
Three arrays of 10 elements are allocated globaly. The arrays store the cursor positions. For each position, the row, column and document file name are stored.

Dim doc(9)  'Array with 10 elements to remember the document path
Dim col(9)  'Array with 10 elements to remember the cursor x position
Dim row(9)  'Array with 10 elements to remember the cursor y position

Sub RememberPosition(ByVal pos)
'DESCRIPTION: Save the cursor position in the specified location
    doc(pos) = ActiveDocument.FullName
    col(pos) = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentColumn
    row(pos) = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
End Sub

Sub GotoPosition(ByVal pos)
'DESCRIPTION: Return the cursor to the specified location
    Dim myDocument

    If col(pos) <> 0 and row(pos) <> 0 Then
        For Each myDocument in Application.Documents
            If myDocument.FullName = doc(pos) Then
                myDocument.Active = True
                ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo row(pos), col(pos)
                Exit Sub
            End If
    End If
End Sub

The following two macros are used to remember position #0 and to jump to position #0. They simply call RememberPosition and GotoPosition with 0 as an argument. I define them because it is not possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to macros that have arguments.
I use the keyboard shourtcut Ctrl+Shift+0 to Remember0, and Ctrl+0 to Goto0. To assign shortcuts select Tools | Customize..., go to the Keyboard tab, select the Macros category and assign your favorite keys.
In this manner, define the other Remember* and Goto* macros (up to 9) and assign similar keyboard shortcuts.

Sub Remember0()
'DESCRIPTION: Remember position 0
End Sub

Sub Goto0()
'DESCRIPTION: Goto position 0
End Sub

In this manner, define the other Remember* and Goto* macros (up to 9) and assign similar keyboard shortcuts.

To download the macros in a zip file right-click here and select Save...

Header-Source Flip

This macro is similar to the HeaderFlip tool from Workspace Utilities, and is based on a macro by Nooruddin Kapasi which I found in CodeGuru.

This macro checks the name of the file in the active window. If it is a .cpp file, it will open its .h file (a file with similar name but with .h extension). If it is an .h file, it will open the corresponding .cpp file.
The macro uses Documents.Open to open the corresponding file if it is not already open, so it will work only if the file can be found at the same path.

Sub HeaderFlip()
'DESCRIPTION: Switch between header and cpp
    Dim myDocument
    Dim activeDoc
    Dim switchToDoc
    Dim Flag
    Dim Flag1

    Flag1 = 0
    Flag = 1
    activeDoc = ActiveDocument.FullName
    tmp = InStr(activeDoc, ".cpp")
    If tmp Then
        switchToDoc = Left(activeDoc, Len(activeDoc) - 3) + "h"
        Flag1 = 1
        tmp = InStr(activeDoc, ".h")
        If tmp Then
            switchToDoc = Left(activeDoc, Len(activeDoc) - 1) + "cpp"
            Flag1 = 1
        End If
    End If

    For Each myDocument In Application.Documents
        If myDocument.FullName = switchToDoc Then
            myDocument.Active = True
            Flag = 0
            Exit For
        End If

    If Flag And Flag1 And switchToDoc<>"" Then
        Documents.Open switchToDoc, "Text"
    End If
End Sub

To download the macro in a zip file right-click here and select Save...